Skymet provides the live weather information, weather forecasts and weather alerts to the farmers. The weather forecasts are sent in 6 regional languages across the 31 district of 9 states, through the SMS twice in a week i.e. Tuesday and Wednesday to the registered farmers. Live weather updates as well as 7 days and 15 Days village level weather forecast can be seen in SkyMitra mobile App. Weather display board are also placed in the center of excellence locations to update the farmers with weather information. The Voice Broadcast Service is another medium to deliver the service through automatic call. Farmers can also get the weather information on call by dialing toll free no: 1800 208 1115 as and when they need

Skymet has installed 675 “Automated Weather Stations” (AWS) to generate real-time granular weather and crop monitoring data in 31 districts across 9 states. AWS is a comprehensive device that captures real-time weather parameters such as temperature, rainfall, wind, and humidity at a specific location.

AWS captures and stores the live weather data and automatically keeps sending it to the server at the head-office. From the server, after been converted into the appropriate codes, the data gets updated into the SkyMitra App.

Skymet run numerical weather prediction (NWP) algorithms on computers, develops and releases the weather forecasts. Weather information through SMS, WDB, IVR and VBS are also sent or updated accordingly. Skymet carefully captures and processes the data and a panel of experts further synthesizes the information to package it for farmers.

AWS have been upgraded with the Crop sensors and Cameras now. AWS would now be able to detect the pest infestation, water stress and disease attack, who could help the team to develop the better weather-based services and crop advisories. Below is the snapshot of the weather forecasts.

Channels of Service Delivery

To benefit large set of farmers, the weather information is delivered through the multiple channels, as given below:

SMS (Short Message Service): As majority of farmers uses feature mobile phones, weather information including weather forecasts and weather alerts are sent to the farmers through SMS in 6 regional languages, twice in a week.

Weather Display Boards: Weather Display Boards are placed by Skymet in high visibility locations in each district to reach out to farmers who are not enrolled in the project and also does not possess a mobile phone. A representative update the weather board daily in the morning with the weather information & crop advisories.

SkyMitra Android Application: The SkyMitra is an android mobile app, developed by Skymet in FY 2016-17 to provide free access to customized weather data and information through the app. The app is in public domain and anyone could download it.

Voice Broadcast Services (VBS): VBS was started with an idea to provide weather information in form of voice message to the farmers right on their mobile phones, so that the farmers with no or limited literacy could also be benefitted. IVR (Interactive Voice Response): IVR allows farmers to get the information on call. Farmers are provided the toll-free number to which they can dial and get weather information by pressing the designated keys on the mobile.